Now I am back at work studying and learning more Spanish. I spent most of the afternoon and evening yesterday refreshing my memory of vocabulary and memorizing various irregular verbs. Just when I think I have them they slip my mind! I even did extra homework so that more would stick!
Today we spent most of the class on "to be" and when you use "ser" or "estar". Lots of homework tonight, too! My teacher tells me my pronounciation is good and that I am doing well. So that's good. I also have been having more conversations with the women on campus in Spanish. I am making progress. Still, I wonder if I were 20 years younger would this be so challenging?
Spanish aside, here is a photo (on the left) of one of the two puppies that live at OLR. Next to him is a photo of my dog, Potter, when he was a puppy 6 years ago.
Do you think they look alike?
1 comment:
I think they look exactly alike!!
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