Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Preparing for "The Plunge"

In 10 days I will be flying to Johannesburg, South Africa for "The Plunge" - a ministry immersion in the Diocese of Christ the King which is just outside Joh'burg. I am looking forward to staying at the home of the Archbishop and his wife and experiencing ministry in a new part of the world. I hope to spend time with the diocese's AIDS ministry and Mother's Union. I'm sure that "The Plunge" will significantly impact my ministry in ways that I cannot even imagine! I expect to blog during my journey so stay tuned.

In preparation I've started the hepatitis A & B shot series. I'll start taking typhoid pills later this week. Can't wait for the flu-like side effects!!! I have malaria pills to take before, during and after my three-day visit to Kruger National Park which is scheduled to take place after "The Plunge." In fact, I'm spending two weeks after "The Plunge" traveling around South Africa, eventually visiting friends in Knysna and winding up in Cape Town.

Since it's winter there I will need to get sweaters and warm clothes out of the closet! Seems odd to pack fleece when it's 90 degrees at home! I'm making progress on the list of all the other details - paying bills, car, home and pet care, etc. There is a lot of preparation before leaving for a month!


Lauralew said...

Wow, B! It sounds like a great time (minus the medications)! Look forward to reading your blog while you are there!

Anonymous said...

You'll be in my thoughts & prayers! I look forward to keeping up with your adventures. Pray for me in CPE-land. Peace! V